8-11 November 2021
from 7pm CET on ZOOM platform

4 EACCME credits assigned
Draft programme
Monday 8 November 2021
19.00 – 19.20 Laser tissue interaction and endpoints (15 min + 5’ Q&A)
Ashraf Badawi
19.20 – 19.40 Port Wine Stains: more than a red stain (15 min + 5’ Q&A)
Milton Waner
19.40-19.55 The red face and lasers (10 min + 5’ Q&A)
Albert Wolkerstorfer
19.55-20.00 Conclusions
Tuesday 9 November 2021
19.00-19.15 Port Wine Stains: systematic review of treatments (10 min + 5’ Q&A)
Ginger Beau Langbroek
19.15-19.45 Tips & tricks for lasers in Port Wine Stains and Advanced Treatments (25 min + 5’ Q&A)
Kristen Kelly
19.45-19.55 Conclusions
Wednesday 10 November 2021
19.00-19.20 Vascular indications for lasers (15 min + 5’ Q&A)
Albert Wolkerstorfer
19.20-19.35 Non-vascular indications for ‘vascular lasers’ 1 (10 min + 5’ Q&A)
Pablo Boixeda
19.35-19.50 Non-vascular indications for ‘vascular lasers’ 2 (10 min + 5’ Q&A)
Firas Al Niaimi
19.50-20.00 Conclusions
Thursday 11 November 2021
19.00-19.15 Lasers for vascular lesions in pigmented skin (10 min + 5’ Q&A)
Ahmed Sadek
19.15-19.30 Complications and how to prevent (10 min + 5’ Q&A)
Hans Laubach
19.30-19.50 IPL for vascular lesions (15 min + 5’ Q&A)
Peter Bjerring
19.50-20.00 Conclusions – evaluation questionnaire
The course is for ESLD MEBERS ONLY!
- 190,00.- € for ESLD members
- 50,00.- € for residents
The registration fee includes attendance to 4 classes (from Monday 8 to Thursday 11 November as per programme above).
Participants attending the whole course will receive a certificate of attendance.
A final test will be submitted on Thursday 11 November and a specific ESLD certificate will be sent by email to those who answered correctly to the 75% of the questions.
The course will be accredited for EACME. Credits will be assigned after the course.